Fildo Apk
Höre kostenlose Podcasts!!
Podcast Android Downloader
Fildo ist eine Android-App, mit der du Podcasts auf deinem Android-Handy hören kannst.
AGBFildo hostet keine mp3- oder flac-Dateien
Fildo hostet keine mp3-Dateien, es ist nur eine Schnittstelle zu Drittanbieter-mp3-Suchmaschinen. Bitte frage nicht nach Hinzufügen/Upload von Dateien.
Fildo hat keine Kontrolle über Websites oder Ressourcen, die von anderen Unternehmen oder Personen bereitgestellt werden.
Wenn Sie eine Beschwerde wegen Urheberrechtsverletzung haben, können Sie sich an die betroffenen Unternehmen wenden.
Warum Fildo verwendenWas ist Fildo
Die Fildo-App ist ein Podcast-Player, mit dem du hochwertige Podcasts aus der ganzen Welt streamen kannst.
Was Fildo von anderen ähnlichen Apps unterscheidet: Fildo hat keine eigene Sammlung von Audiodateien, sondern bringt sie aus verschiedenen Quellen an einem Ort zusammen.
Nicht im Play Store verfügbar Du kannst es hier herunterladen
Du kannst Fildo nicht im Play Store herunterladen, da es dort nicht verfügbar ist. Aber das sollte dich nicht beunruhigen.
Du kannst es hier herunterladen.
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Average user rating: 4.23 with 87888 votes.
Fildo Apk 5.5.5- Improved search engine integration, this means less errors on stream or downloads.
- 5.5.0 > Fixed download of lyrics on Android 10 or higher.
- Internal upgrades and fixes for Android 15.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Added lyrics with karaoke mode if available.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Added user profile (A first version).
- Added the ability to set a profile picture.
- The search bar now also allows searching for users.
- Now you can navigate to any user profile from their image in the chat.
- Now you can follow any user.
- Added lists of Followers and Following.
- Fixed an issue with play/pause in the miniplayer.
- When skipping a song manually, it now pauses the previous one immediately while performing the search, providing feedback to the user.
- Completed translations into Italian, French, German, Filipino, and Portuguese.
- Deeplinks in the chat now work again (you can share any song, artist, or album directly in the chat). When you see a link in the chat to an album, artist, or song, you can tap it to go there.
- Added mentions in the chat. Notifications only work with the app open to avoid being too intrusive.
- Re-added similar artists in the detail window of each artist.
- Fixed downloads for Android 9 or previous.
- Added ID3TAG for new download system added on 5.2.4 (This means cover art and artist info on downloaded files).
- Added local explorer for downloaded music and minor fixes and improvements.
- Improved chat with dates
- Added country genre
- When queue finish... start again
- Fixed albums with not allowed chars in name for downloads
- Improved way to create a new playlist
- Added spoti mixes for import
- Improved detail view for artists, albums, playlists
- Added create new playlist from My Playlist view
- And of course minor fixes and improvements
- Fixed register a new account (error on validating emails).
- Fixed downloads on Android 9 and 10 and some Samsungs devices.
- The app has been made from scratch, the server has been renewed, the app is faster, and better in all aspects, obviously there will be things that still need to be implemented, we ask for your patience for what is still missing..
- 5.0.1 and 5.0.2 Minor fixes from v5.0.0 log reports
- On 5.0.3 added mediascan for downloaded files... on Android you can download a file but is you dont force a media scan, the system didnt know that the file exists, so the songs didnt appear in the audio players. Now this has been fixed
- on 5.0.7 Added id3tag to FLAC, it means that will have cover artist name and song, also albums and playlists download under their folders inside an artist folder
- Completely rebuilt the app from scratch! Since then, we’ve introduced a ton of improvements to make your experience better than ever:
- FLAC support: Available for 95% of songs, delivering amazing audio quality.
- Better support for non-Latin characters: The matching system now works properly with songs that have titles in Korean, Japanese, and other alphabets.
- Karaoke lyrics are back: Sing along with your favorite tracks in karaoke mode!
- Improved chat: Mentions and notifications now work seamlessly (only when the app is open, so we don’t bug you).
- Android 15 support: Fildo is fully compatible with the latest Android versions.